
Helena Jané

Born in Malange (Angola) in 1970, Helena Jané lives and works in Lisbon. Since 2002, she as been an artist and co-founder of the project THJané, devoted to contemporary ceramics and painting. From 1995 to 2002 she worked as a technician in the scope of Intra and Inter-company training and as a trainer in the context of Training of trainers of trainers. Education: Management, degree, ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (1995); Training of Trainers of Trainers Course, FOM - Fundação Oliveira Martins, Lisbon (1996).

Teresa Jané

Born in Malange (Angola) in 1971, Teresa Jané lives and works in Lisbon. Since 2002, she as been an artist and co-founder of the project THJané, devoted to contemporary ceramics and painting. Sinde 1996 she as been a freelance designer in graphic packaging and publications, corporate identity and illustration. Education: Visual Design, degree, IADE - Instituto de Artes Visuais, Design e Marketing, Lisbon (1996); Graphic Arts and Communication, Escola de Artes Decorativas António Arroio, Lisbon (1992). 

> Arte e engenho, desde 2002.
Da ideia à acção e desta ao produto final, é longa e árdua jornada a quatro mãos. 
Criamos e produzimos peças contemporâneas com mensagem. Devotadamente, seriamente, exclusivamente, arriscadamente, rigorosamente e - porque não dizê-lo? -, perfeitamente. Peças que contam histórias pessoais ou universais, tristes ou alegres, com horror ao efeito fácil, ao déjá vu, ao brilho vão.
Denominador comum é quase sempre a cerâmica e a busca do casamento feliz entre a tradição e a inovação.

> Art and skill, since 2002.
From the idea to action and from this to the final product is a long and arduous journey for four hands.
We create and produce contemporary pieces with message. Devoutly, seriously, exclusively, dangerously, carefully and – why not say it? - perfectly. Pieces that tell universal or personal stories, sad or happy ones, with horror by the easy effect, the déjá vu or the vain brightness.
Common denominator is almost always the ceramic and the pursuit of happy marriage between tradition and innovation.

Rua Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires, Loja 24A, Nova Oeiras
2780-093 Oeiras, Lisboa
E-mail teresa.helenajane@gmail.com

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